I spent decades as a wandering and stagnant Christian. Pressing through life with a casual and aimless approach towards maturing in my faith. I didn’t know how to build an intimate relationship with God until He showed me.

As a little kid, I believed in Jesus and spent years trying to "figure out" my purpose, but I wasn't always aligned with God's will. Confused about religion and biblically uneducated, I lacked spiritual growth and needed guidance.

here's my story

Nice to meet you!

about Teresa Devine

Like many, I was not casual about pursuing the American dream reaching career success as a Fortune 500 Company Executive. In fact, I was one of only 19 female Fortune 500 CIO's out of the 500 companies. That's when the thrill of work performance and the daily grind took over. At the height of my career, life’s priorities were upside down. Success didn’t fill the void, it never does and I needed a change. Therefore, I left my career behind for the first time. That's when God revealed my top priority must be Him if I wanted the ultimate life with fulfilling relationships, work, and the rest. I spent every morning on my prayer porch building a relationship with God. We still meet there.

A few years later, I founded 24/7 Purpose®. Still, I wavered for several more years before making the ultimate commitment to follow God’s nudge to dedicate my life to this mission. I attempted CIO consulting and ministry on the side. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters and He is always right. I've faced those giants, so I get it. Most people don't leave their job or career to prioritize God first, but a few of us must. 

Enough about my work. I was born a mid-west girl with a southern heart. I adore the south especially fall festivals, sweet tea, and fried green tomatoes. My favorite thing is spending time with my amazing husband. Married almost 30 years. We enjoy coffee talks and long walks on gorgeous beaches. I'm nuts about authentic Italian pottery and still passionate about everything technology.

Today, my purpose and my priorities are right side up. Praise God! I’m on a mission to help other busy Christians swap the daily grind for daily impact fully aligned with God’s purpose and His plans.

I invite you to join in!

You want more than a chaotic rat race feeling overwhelmed or stuck. Asking yourself...is this it? I get it! I did too. 

What if you could...
  • Live a purposeful life making an impact.
  • Help others succeed while you succeed.
  • Unlock your hidden strengths, talent, and gifts.
  • Increase energy, confidence & positive outlook on life.
  • Align with God's will & bring him glory daily.

When I decided to get serious about my faith & build a relationship with God, I needed a plan. I developed a method because I couldn't find all that I needed, 

I've helped numerous people discover who God designed them to be & how to align with His purpose. You could be next!

Good! god equipped you for a purpose.

So, you want more!


I felt called to carry out this mission for several years prior to taking the ultimate plunge. I truly wanted to help others this way but the decision didn't crystalize until I admitted to myself I was attempting to serve two masters, both career and God. But Jesus warns...

"No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

If a career or money (or anything) takes priority over God and His will, we must adjust. Due to God's wiring of me, it meant releasing the tech career. For most, leaving a job or career is not necessary and could be detrimental. Either way, God will make it clear if we listen.

That's why it's vital to build and grow a personal relationship with Jesus so He can guide us forward. For me, there's no turning back!

Why i left my lucritive career

  • I'm embarrassed to admit...I still play Angry Birds. I know, but it's my little escape. ;) LOL
  • I love being near tranquil water. Lakes, rivers, creeks, and especially oceans. Sun & fun! 
  • I crave coffee & cake! Preferably together. Blonde roasts & chocolate cake are my fave's. 

Fun Facts About Me

As seen in