1. Administration
The spiritual gift of administration, as suggested in 1 Corinthians 12:28, is about steering a ship smoothly. It’s ensuring things run in an orderly and efficient manner. People can choose to employ or offer this gift as a volunteer.

Gift in action: Lead a church event, community project, or manage logistics. 

Common Roles: Office manager, executive assistant, operations manager, event coordinator.

2. Apostleship
In its essence, the spiritual gift of apostleship is about sending individuals to proclaim the gospel, establish churches, and establish church foundations in the community. It’s referenced in 1 Corinthians 12:28. 

Gift in action: starting mission trips for church expansion or church planting.

Common Roles: Missions Pastor, leader, or team member. Church planting pastor, leader or team member.

3. Discernment
The spiritual gift of discernment is the capacity to distinguish between truth and deception, right from wrong. As per 1 Corinthians 12:10, it’s vital for spiritual growth. Organizing workshops on discernment or being a guiding voice in community decisions can be beneficial.

Gift in action: Offer guidance in church or community matters, recognize, and expose false prophets and inaccurate teachings both internally and to help others.

Common Roles: Community leader or organizer, organizational board chairperson, church prayer team. 

4. Evangelism
The spiritual gift of evangelism is the ability to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to non-believers is the essence of evangelism. Ephesians 4:11 speaks of evangelists. 

Gift in action: Organize church outreach programs or missions to help share the love of Christ with others. If a person is inquiring or open to hearing God’s message, share scripture in conversations. Pray with people.

Common Roles: Evangelist Pastor, local and foreign missionary, Outreach leader or team member. 

5. Exhortation
The spiritual gift of exhortation is the special ability to encourage and edify others, especially during trying times. The Apostle Paul often speaks of exhortation, notably in Romans 12:8.

Gift in action: mentor others, create a mentorship program, offer encouraging words to others daily and especially those going through difficult times.

Common Roles: Sports coach, youth pastor, life coach, motivational speaker, counselor, church relief outreach leader of team member.

6. Faith
More than belief, the spiritual gift of faith is a deep-seated confidence in what we can’t see, but believe it’s true. Beautifully described in Hebrews 11:1 as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”, those with the gift of faith trust God even when the path is unclear.

Gift in action: organize faith-based workshops or testimonial sessions where individuals share their journey of faith, strengthening the faith of others. Leverage the natural gift during life’s trials and share with it others.

Common roles: Pastor, church leader, prayer intercessor, grief counselor.

7. Giving
The spiritual gift of generosity is the heart of giving. Not restricted to finances, this gift mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:28 speaks of giving time, resources, and oneself selflessly.

Gift in action: start community fundraising events or provide for those in need. 

Common Roles: Charity fundraising coordinator, foundation leader or manager, Christian financial planner, wealth manager for charitable giving/estate planning.

8. Hospitality
The spiritual gift of hospitality emphasizes welcoming, nurturing, and taking care of others, especially strangers. As believers, we’re called to show love to all. While not directly referenced in the 1 Corinthians list, Romans 12:13 encourages us to practice hospitality.

Gift in action: host fellowship gathering or church small groups in your home. Organize church welcoming committees, church greeter, or join the team for community gatherings.

Common Roles: Homeless shelter leader or team member, church welcoming committee leader or team member, elderly care outreach leader, hospital or nursing home volunteer.

9. Knowledge
In this context, the spiritual gift of knowledge goes beyond basic information; it’s a deep spiritual understanding. 1 Corinthians 12:8 mentions “the word of knowledge.” Those with this gift can cultivate it by diving deep into scripture and sharing insights through Bible study groups or writing devotionals.

Gift in action: lead a Bible study group, teach discipleship classes, host a bible study podcast, share scripture with those facing difficult times or decisions. 

Common Roles: Bible scholar/theologian, seminary professor, pastor, Bible study teacher, author

10. Leadership
The spiritual gift of leadership, as mentioned in Romans 12:8, doesn't involve just leading, but requires leading with diligence and sincerity, based on the foundation of God's strength. It’s about guiding others towards God’s purpose.

Gift in action: host leadership training workshops in churches, businesses and ministries. Taking charge of church events are ways to share this gift.

Common Roles: Church, business, or ministry executive. Charity board of directors. Small group leader.

11. Mercy
The spiritual gift of mercy is about extending compassion, grace, and kindness, especially when it’s needed most, is the essence of mercy. Mentioned in Romans 12:8.

Gift in action: outreach efforts, comforting the ailing, or supporting someone through challenges can showcase this gift.

Common Roles: hospice medical team, church counselor. Marriage, grief, or addiction ministry leader or team member. 

12. Prophecy
The spiritual gift of prophecy, mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:10, embodies the unique capacity to articulate God’s message. Serving as a divine messenger, a prophet conveys God’s Word to others through direct revelation. These prophetic declarations may address specific persons, the church community, or broader scenarios, and they pertain not only to future events.

Gift in action: encourage others by sharing words of edification or even caution, as inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Common Roles: Prophetic pastor or church leader. Prayer intercessor, prophetic ministry leader.

13. Service
Those with the spiritual gift of service or helps have a heartfelt urge to assist others, making their burdens lighter. Referenced in 1 Corinthians 12:28, this gift is about selflessly serving others.

Gift in action: volunteer at local charities or assisting in community projects. Share kind acts of service at work, home and with others.

Common Roles: Church food drive team member, service jobs (firefighter, medical, police), home services, customer service team member.

14. Pastoring
Often termed shepherding, the spiritual gift of pastoring involves spiritually nourishing, guiding, and tending to a group of people. Ephesians 4:11 introduces pastors.

Gift in action: teaching scripture, visiting members in hospitals, overseer of church committees and events, corporate church leader. 

Common Roles: Pastoral roles, leading small groups, or mentoring a fellowship group, corporate chaplain, hospital chaplain.

15. Teaching
The spiritual gift of teaching isn’t only conveying information, but doing so in a manner that transforms lives. Referenced in 1 Corinthians 12:28.

Gift in action: start Bible classes, lead Sunday school sessions, or online Christian courses.

Common Roles: seminary professor, Bible study teacher, Discipleship teacher, Christian course creator.

16. Wisdom
The spiritual gift of wisdom, as highlighted in 1 Corinthians 12:8, isn’t just intelligence but the ability to apply knowledge spiritually as a benefit to the gift recipient and others.

Gift in action: host wisdom groups where people discuss life’s challenges and seek biblical solutions. Daily interactions create opportunities to share the spiritual gift of wisdom with anyone.

Common Roles: Mentor, disciple maker, Kingdom builder, ministry executive management, board of directors.

All About Spiritual Gifts

What are your top 5 spiritual gifts?

Free Spiritual Gifts Test

Using your spiritual gifts is not just about knowing them, but actively seeking opportunities to put them into action. This section provides actionable tips and ideas on how to integrate your gifts into various aspects of life and ministry. For example, if you possess the gift of mercy, volunteering at a local shelter or hospital can be a profound way to express it.

Growing and Nurturing Your Gifts Your spiritual gifts, like any skill or talent, need to be nurtured. This nurturing comes through prayer, studying the Word of God, engaging in fellowship with other believers, and seeking opportunities to practice your gifts. Regular participation in church life, attending workshops, and finding a spiritual mentor are excellent ways to grow and enhance your God-given abilities.

Spiritual gifts are a manifestation of the Holy Spirit's work in believers, enabling them to serve the Church in ways that go beyond natural abilities. The Apostle Paul provides a comprehensive list of these gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4, illustrating the diverse ways God equips His people for service. 

These gifts include administration, apostleship, exhortation, evangelism, hospitality, wisdom, knowledge, faith, teaching, prophecy, discernment, service, teaching, encouragement, generosity, leadership, and mercy.

In this section, we will explore each of the spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible. We expound upon each gift, its scriptural basis, and practical ways to apply in daily life and ministry. 

Knowing your spiritual gifts opens a pathway to deeper spiritual fulfillment and more effective service in your community and church. It can transform your understanding of where you fit within the body of Christ and how you can contribute to its growth and unity. Our spiritual gifts test and spiritual gifts assessment are not only tools for self-discovery but gateways to a more meaningful and impactful Christian life serving others.

In the realm of Christianity, spiritual gifts are not just talents or skills; they are special endowments provided by God to believers. These gifts serve a dual purpose by enriching personal spiritual growth and empowering us to contribute to the well-being and edification of the Church. Our unique spiritual gifts test provides a spiritual gifts assessment designed to guide you in uncovering these divine blessings. As you step into this journey, remember, each of us has a vital role in God's plan, and understanding our spiritual gifts is a step toward fulfilling that divine purpose found in Mark 12:28-31.

What Are Spiritual Gifts? 

Ready to discover your spiritual gifts? Our comprehensive spiritual gifts test is a solid spiritual gifts assessment designed for this purpose. These tools help identify your gifts and offer insights into how you can integrate them into your life and ministry efforts, fostering a deeper understanding of your role in God's plan.

In God's grand tapestry, each thread–each believer's gift–plays a crucial role. Understanding and using your spiritual gifts is not just a path to self-discovery; it's a step towards fulfilling your divine purpose and missions. 

We encourage you to take our spiritual gifts test now, embrace your unique gifts, and begin a journey of impactful service and spiritual growth. Your adventure and contribution to the Kingdom of God start here!