How to Keep God First - Michael Lignos-Teresa Devine

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Learning how to keep God first amidst busy lifestyles is daunting. Michael Lignos, an experienced technology executive with three decades in the field, recently provided insights on how he balances a demanding executive lifestyle with his Christian faith. In an enlightening discussion, Michael highlighted practical strategies to keep God first with a busy professional life. […]

God First Executive Series: Grady Ligon, CIO

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In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to keep our priorities straight, especially when it comes to our spiritual lives. Grady Ligon, a successful global executive and devoted Christian, shares his experiences and insights on how to put God first amidst the demands of a busy career and personal life. His story is a […]

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Hi there and welcome to Teresa’s Takes. This is the space where I answer your questions about living a practical Christian lifestyle. Let’s dive into today’s topics, inspired by questions from our community. Expressing Faith at Work: A Guide for the Modern Christian Question from Manuel: How can I share my faith at work without […]

As I walk in your garden, I’m greeted by the awesome beauty of the surroundings.  The wind is like a gentle ocean breeze without the sound of seagulls and breathes fresh air into my spirit. Air so sweet it lifts me up with your overwhelming power adding a gentle touch of humbleness.  I stretch my arms back […]

July 10, 2016
All You Need to Know About God's Garden

I didn’t learn how to follow Jesus the conventional way.  In fact, I’m not sure what the “conventional way” means.  Well, I went to church as a child and summer bible school, and I memorized some beautiful songs and learned the most popular Bible stories, but I didn’t learn how to follow Jesus there. I was baptized […]

June 22, 2016
Learn How to Follow Jesus

Everyone has a dream.  A Dream… Distinguishes you Releases your potential Encourages you to seek Adjusts your attitude Motivates you A dream is the visual activator of who we want to be and where we want to go. A dream is always in the future somewhere out there that we cannot quite put our finger […]

June 13, 2016

The Word for the week comes to us by none other, the Father above.  True peace can be achieved through the love of Christ that removes fear and anxiety from our lives. Through God, we can live upon His strength vs. our own and He will carry our burdens. How do we do live in His […]

May 10, 2016

Life happens to all of us and at some point people in masses feel the tension and the burdens that lay heavy on their hearts. So many assume that it has to stay that way or simply don’t have a clue about how to resolve the afflictions.  The result is a world full of wounded souls with troubled […]

May 9, 2016

I hear people often say “I need to find inner peace”. The truth that I hear in that statement is that they are really searching for an external “answer” that will tell us how to acquire inner peace but it isn’t something that we acquire or strive for because that would imply that the gift […]

May 2, 2016

I spent a good portion of my life being more critical and judgmental of others in some capacity and I even achieved becoming my own worst critic.  I’m embarrassed and remorseful and praise God for pruning away my critical spirit and replacing those voids with compassion, understanding and a new level of love for people. […]

January 24, 2016

Every year I like to apply a theme word for the upcoming year that will drive the multi-year vision for my life’s journey.  The theme is determined by reflecting on the previous year and bench marking the progress made based on the prior year’s theme. I simply ask, “Where am I on the life road […]

January 2, 2016
Life Pie Chart

Recently, I stumbled upon a series by Pastor Andy Stanley that was so remarkable, I had to share it here.  This is a teaching that every adult human being should see, in my humble opinion. All of us have seasons in life that involve starting over in some capacity. This unique series speaks to the life trials […]

December 30, 2015

My field…where I’m called to serve, is below my feet and I walk in His Grace serving this little space answering His call hour by hour, person by person, task by task in Divine service.  Tomorrow might bring a new calling but tomorrow may never come so I prepare thoughtfully for tomorrow while fulfilling each […]

December 26, 2015

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