Teresa Devine - Laureen Alexa on how to overcome perfectionism

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Never miss an episode – Subscribe at teresadevine.tv Listen to the 24/7 Purpose Podcast Key Takeaways In this episode, Teresa welcomes Laureen Alexa, a published author, public speaker, and the founder of Strength and Glory. Laureen shares her journey of overcoming significant challenges, such as childhood trauma, depression, and grief, by deepening her relationship with […]

Teresa Devine interview Dean Niewolny

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Discovering God’s Purpose: A Journey with Dean Niewolny Introduction to Dean Niewolny I had the pleasure of interviewing Dean Niewolny, a remarkable individual with a profound journey of faith and discovering God’s purpose. Dean, a graduate of the Halftime Institute and its former CEO, has an impressive background with over two decades in executive roles […]

DiAnn Mills on teresadevine.tv

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I had the privilege of sitting down to chat with best-selling author DiAnn Mills, whose captivating novels blend thrilling suspense, clean romance, and Christian faith. With 93 published books and two Christie awards, DiAnn shares insights into her writing, mentoring aspiring authors, and how she keeps God first in her life. DiAnn on Mentoring Aspiring […]

Learning how to keep God first amidst busy lifestyles is daunting. Michael Lignos, an experienced technology executive with three decades in the field, recently provided insights on how he balances a demanding executive lifestyle with his Christian faith. In an enlightening discussion, Michael highlighted practical strategies to keep God first with a busy professional life. […]

April 13, 2024
How to Keep God First - Michael Lignos-Teresa Devine

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to keep our priorities straight, especially when it comes to our spiritual lives. Grady Ligon, a successful global executive and devoted Christian, shares his experiences and insights on how to put God first amidst the demands of a busy career and personal life. His story is a […]

March 21, 2024
God First Executive Series: Grady Ligon, CIO

Hi there and welcome to Teresa’s Takes. This is the space where I answer your questions about living a practical Christian lifestyle. Let’s dive into today’s topics, inspired by questions from our community. Expressing Faith at Work: A Guide for the Modern Christian Question from Manuel: How can I share my faith at work without […]

December 27, 2023

As a Christian, I found myself struggling for many years to comprehend God’s purpose for my life. It’s a challenge shared by countless believers, all striving to align more intimately with God and discover their true purpose. The Dawn of Realization My journey took a significant turn in 2016 when I received what I can […]

December 19, 2023

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 When Jesus said nothing, he meant NOTHING! And when we refuse to abide in His ways, we are destined to produce rotten apples. […]

November 15, 2020
diets dont work

Beautiful Savior how we long for your ways of righteousness. Flowing is the current that leads us to deeper water. Let us rest in the solitude of salvation and hear our cries. Oh Lord, we must not worry about tomorrow and seek forgiveness when we stumble. Satisfy our hearts today, oh Lord, with your songs […]

February 5, 2019
beautiful savior jesus

In my morning quiet time with God I pray for wisdom.  Sometimes I receive inspirations from the Lord intended for sharing… Celebration is a way of life. Be generous in all things. Wake up with prosperous ceremonies. Count the riches of this world and many blessings. Share faith in a positive way of righteous understanding. […]

September 12, 2018
god inspirations

How ironic. Just a few weeks ago I blogged about turning trials into triumph. Today, I’m typing this one flat on my back to share my revelation of turning back pain into empathy.  Sounds like a trial to me! Thankfully, compared to many people, my lifetime contains a few minor injuries, illnesses, and surgeries. Not […]

August 20, 2018

During my long season as a “work-a-holic,” I faced multiple trials in my professional career as well as my personal life. Specifically, with my marriage. It’s not difficult to imagine the damage inflicted on a relationship when the number one priority is hyper-focused on work and career pursuits. Gratefully, I’ve learned how to turn trials […]

August 6, 2018

God help me! Not because I’m down and out or hitting rock bottom. Not because I don’t have an abundance to live a good life. Not because I don’t have people who love and support me. So what’s the problem? That’s the exact question that my dear Mentor Diane Hale used to ask me when […]

May 22, 2018

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